It's been a while since I wrote or rode my bike for that matter. The last time I swung a leg over the top tube was back on August second and since then I have just taken it easy. Well, not really. I, together with the "Supreme Leader" (the fiance), purchased a small townwhouse in Delray and have done nothing but spent money and done all the fun stuff that moving to a new house brings. But we are finally where we wanted to be, close to friends and more importantly, the bike trail.
Yesterday I finally gave in and even though I had a self impossed date to start riding again (Dec. 1, I couldn't pass the opportunity and so after calling Dani, we decided to head south to Mt. Vernon for an easy spin. It felt great to be back on th bike. The shoulder even though I took three months to rest it hurt half way through the ride and I am convinced now that I will ride with pain for the rest of my life. So be it.
A decision was reached during my hiatus and I will not be racing the local circuit next year. The only event I will probably take part in will be the Vuelta a Chiriqui Masters in July, if the event takes place. Other than that, I will do the usual rides on the weekends I don't work and ride at Hains Point the rest of the time. A trip out of state for some fun events may be added at the last minute, but no USCF sanctioned event are in my distant future. Things at work are not looking too promising for next year, so the hunt for a job has begun. Rumor has it that personnel may be downsized by the end of next, and I don't want to wait until zero hour to start the search.