Monday, January 21, 2008

Not much riding...

The cold weather has me under the covers since last Thursday. I thought over the weekend I would venture out but on Saturday I just chickened out and slept late and yesterday, well, it was too damn cold for me to even consider riding. So out we went to the mall and to grab a bite to eat and that took a big effort on my part. Watched the football games and caught on the latest Cipo's gossip .Today I was all excited because of the fact that every local station weather guesser and most of the weather sites were calling for a high of 32!!! with no wind. Got up and followed the usual routine, but once I stepped outside to do my own temperature check, it was quickly decided that making it to 32 was going to be hard. The highest I saw the mercury today was 29 and another day of complete inactivity for me, but I did read some of Floyd's interview and somehow I still think the guy was framed. Nonetheless, I will pay for my inactivity sooner or later, that's a fact.

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