Friday, September 19, 2008

The return...

Well, I took a break from this blogging thing because to be honest with you, I had no time, or interest on writing about my little adventures, but most importantly, cycling had taken a back seat over the last two months. I got to spent six weeks with my daughters and my parents, while traveling to Floria to see my sister. Then after everyone had gone home, I dove right into riding and it cost me, dearly. Physically I wasn't that far off, but mentally I wasn't ready for the kicking I took. I fought through some hard ride with Dani and Daniel and the two were having field days with me (bastards!), until about a month ago when all of the sudden and out of nowhere, the form return. Just in time of me to head off to the national conventions.

While in Denver I tried a little running, just to keep the heart in check and everything was just dandy, except my right knee wasn't having such grand of a time. Again, my head went off the abyss and I didn't want to ride when I got back. But the thought of colder days approaching had me quickly changing my mood and now I have logged a few rides and I'm feeling pretty good. However, like I said, cycling is not ruling my life. I have never worried about wattage, power output, this, that or the other. Now I just want to ride and have fun, so what if I get drop. For next year the plan is to race whenever I feel like it, and just for pure enjoyment, no expectations attached. A trip to Colorado is on the planning stages for June, with my dad and his posse joining a pack of friends from Texas. It should be lots of fun. Speaking of trips, I'm heading south to Panama in December for two weeks of relaxation. The bike is coming along of course, and riding with old friends on roads where I learned to ride my bike will bring back nice memories. Looking forward to that.

So enjoy your rides, I sure as hell will enjoy mine from this point on.

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