Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Seems to be that time of the year for updates. I added a few things to the page courtesy of Mike and GamJams. Anohter thing getting an update is my winter clothing collection. All I need now is a good pair of winter gloves to keep my hands from freezing during those cold mornings. Wheels are also in the plan for an update since my trusty Ksyriums have served me well and will now be handed over to my dad for some TLC and some less stressfull miles. And finally, a new bike. This is the one I'm really looking forward to, but it's going to be the most difficult. The process is a bit complicated and hopefully by Christmas I'll know if I will be piloting a new rig in 2009.

Speaking of 2009, a trip to Colorado is already in the works for the Bicycle Tour of Colorado. I've ridden it twice already, and the last time my dad came and we had a really good time. He's planning on bringing a contingent of friends from Panama and hopefully some of the old guard from Texas will make the trip. It should be memorable.

But closer in the future is a trip to Skyline this coming Thursday. If anyone out there in cycling land is off this Thursday, I'm headed that way with Jose and maybe Dani for some fun in the sun.

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