Friday, January 18, 2008

And when you thought...

You heard it all, news comes that one Mario Cipollini is making a flash return to cycling. And to add wood to the fire, the return of the self proclaimed "fastest man in cycling" is with the Rock Racing team, which by the way, has gotten quite the publicity push for the last few weeks, thanks to the always peppered comments of their head honcho, Michael Ball. Good move for either of them?...I persoanlly think so. Cipo probably misses the starlight, and the fact that he was just handed a court ordered to pay over 1 million dollars in past taxes makes his decision a little easier. For Ball, histeam has acquired a ticket to the big races and more of the aforementioned publicity, heck, the organizers of the Tour of California already added them to their list of invited teams. Hopefully Mario's return to the peloton will go as well as Malcolm Elliott's, and the Lyon King will roar once again, so what if it's in your local crit.
On the home front, the snow kept me and the rest of the "Spanish Mafia" in yesterday. It was a good day to just take it easy and relax and today was an early day at work, so I can pretty much write it off too. Tomorrow's 7AM ride will be a "game time decision" depending on the weather and Sunday, well, Jose is wanting to ride after work and I might muster some bravery and hit the road with him. Or, I might just watch football!!!!


So scanning the net I ran into this little tip. So is he or is he not?

1 comment:

Kyle Jones said...

Malcom Elliott is so fast. I saw him just hurt a lot of guys in the 1,2,3 field 2 years ago. The guys is just an animal.