Monday, February 11, 2008

Messy weather

If I'm riding and I get caught by rain I'm usually OK...but starting a ride in the rain is another matter. As Jose picked me up for the usual panacke and sausage feast at McD's before the Bicycle Place ride on Sunday, the sky towards the west look pretty darn scary. A quick check to the radar and our fears were confirmed, rain was fast approaching and so was our departure time if we wanted to ride the planned 70 miles. The mood quickly changed and talks of cancelling the ride were running around our group. Enrique seemed OK to do whatever it was decided, Dani was out due to his daugther's illness the night before (good excuse buddy!!) and Jose was more concerned about his bike getting dirty, and so was I. The decison was made to drive to Rock Creek and see how things looked there. Upon arrival, we got ready and headed to the shop. Nothing like that getting your legs and back wet right off the bat, priceless. The legs were not firing in all cylinders and it wasn't until the group got decimated up Mass. Ave, that things started to turn for me, even though on Clara Barton the wind was mistreating me pretty good, but overall the ride was good. I got to do some work on the hills and flats that had me feeling good at the end. But late last night, my tail bone started to hurt, quite bad. The chiro told me this morning it was probably because of the wind yesterday, throwing me all over the place. If that's the case, then the wind was harder than I thought.

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